Guide 1A
Discovery & Cells
Explore, describe, and explain the natural world.
In this guide you will start the process of science discovery with a closer look at cells.
Video Overview
Watch this guide overview video; you can select the closed captioning “cc” option if you would like to see the text.
Discovery & Cells Guide Contents
Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.
Discovery Objectives
Course Success
Define the four course topics; explain how biology has a consumer, cultural, and citizenry context; and describe strategies you can use to improve learning within this course.
Science Discovery
List and describe the three aspects of science discovery; explain the basics of microscope use (microscopy), including history, magnification, and the use of stains; and distinguish between the four major types of tissues.
Cell Structures
Identify various organelles within a cell; match different cellular activities to specific organelles; and describe the structure of the plasma membrane including how it relates to diffusion.
Cell Lives
List the steps involved in taking a cell from the body and preparing it for examination under the microscope; provide examples of cells that have different structures related to their functions; and explain different cellular life stages, including mitosis, hypertrophy, differentiation, and apoptosis.