• Choose your media

    Choose your media

  • Upcycle found objects

    Upcycle found objects

  • Stitch together your thoughts

    Stitch together your thoughts

  • Make something worth keeping

    Make something worth keeping

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Journaling to reflect and relax

Journaling has a long history in many fields; capturing ideas and moments in time.  In the past few decades, journaling has reached new peaks of popularity with digital notebooks and handmade art journals.

While perusing these photos from our journal collection, think about what you would like to create, and how journaling could benefit you now, as well as into the future.

Journal your life

a me journaling
a my journal b
as iol;l,;
as ijklm,l.,
as jjnj
as ijkjkjm
as ijoolk
as ijolko
as ijijijkk
as ijijjn
as ijioj
as iihi
as iiihn
as ijijij
as ihih
as hujhujh
as hjnjnjn
as kl,kl,l
as klmkm
as okoko
as olk,lklk
as tfytfh
as uhuhuh
as bb
as gbgt
as gcfcfcf