I’m Running!
Just like Bill Murray in What About Bob yelling “I’m Sailing!” while tied to a boat mast, I’m kind of running again. More of a shuffle in sandals with a lot of intervals lying down. But this is a BIG deal for me, something I never thought I would be trying again.
Being able to work fully at home and completely controlling my schedule has let me lie down every half hour to hour, releasing my muscles and reducing inflammation. So I can jog a bit and then lie down. Even if I overdue it and have trouble walking, I don’t have to go anywhere. This is amazing!
I probably wouldn’t even have thought to try this except we are trying to encourage the entire class to watch their health this term. I have been pretty sedentary, just shooting videos and working on the course web pages. It’s time to follow the example Mark and many of the students are setting and get moving!