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Cardiac Disorders

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Cardiac Disorder Objectives

  • Describe what a myocardial infarction is, what can occur in coronary arteries, and possible treatments.

  • Explain what occurs with a heart murmur and congestive heart failure.
  • Describe what an EKG is as well as changes in electrical impulses associated with various arrhythmias.
We’ll start cardiac disorders with an introduction to the most common heart diseases.

Medical imaging, like these MRIs (magnetic resonance imagery) of the heart, have improved dramatically in recent decades.  Tests can indicate blood flow through coronary arteries and detect infarcted heart tissue.

Heart mri

A heart attack can occur without previous noticeable symptoms.  Understanding this disease can motivate us to minimize risk factors whenever possible.


Blocked coronary arteries can potentially be bypassed if an individual is healthy enough for this extensive surgical procedure.

Another possible cardiac disorder is a heart murmur, a defect to part of the heart, often a valve.

If the pacemaker region of the right atrium, also known as the “sinoatrial node,” becomes damaged, arrhythmias can result.

First aid is providing assistance to an individual until full care is available.  CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is a significant first aid procedure that can keep a person alive until ambulatory care arrives.

In one of this module’s media pieces you will be planning to get (or refresh) first aid training.

The next section provides an overview of blood tests and blood disorders.
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • describe what a myocardial infarction is, what can occur in coronary arteries, and possible treatments?

  • explain what occurs with a heart murmur and congestive heart failure?
  • describe what an EKG is as well as changes in electrical impulses associated with various arrhythmias?

Go back to the Vascular Disorders Page

Go forward to the Blood Disorders Page

Cardiovascular Disorders Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

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This week’s overview

This Guide

Cardiovascular Disorders

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