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Neural Impacts

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Neural Impact Objectives

  • Explain why it is important to understand how the brain functions, not just in terms of individual health, but also economically.

  • Describe how pain relief medications and caffeine impact the nervous system.

  • Demonstrate how distractions can impact focus, and why this can be a problem.

This section describes how there is still much research to be done on the nervous system, particularly brain brain function.  The next guide will focus in on what we know about the structures and functions of the brain. 

Pain relief is challenging and often involves weighing the potential risks and benefits.

Caffeine has a powerful impact on the nervous system.

We all hear about the dangers of distractions while driving and the problems associated with multi-tasking.  This video demonstrates the impact of distractions.

This is the end of the Nervous System Guide.  The materials from this guide and corresponding lecture, as well as the next Brain Guide, is assessed on the weekly quiz.
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • explain why it is important to understand how the brain functions, not just in terms of individual health, but also economically?

  • describe how pain relief medications and caffeine impact the nervous system?

  • demonstrate how distractions can impact focus, and why this can be a problem?

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Nervous System Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

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This week’s overview

This Guide

Nervous System

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