About Us
We make media and teach science.

Our Jobs
We are biology instructors at Oregon State University in the heart of the Willamette Valley. This year we celebrate 26 years teaching together at OSU. We have taught over 45,000 students, representing 72 majors and can’t imagine more rewarding lifetime careers.

Our Hobbies
We spend our evenings and weekends making media; photos, videos, paintings, collage, and object assemblages. Most projects are science-themed and final products have been featured in magazines, as cover art, and in art shows.

Putting it Together
Five years ago when promoted to Senior Instructor II, we celebrated by applying the salary raises to self-fund the VividScience project to explore how our interests in art and design could impact teaching and learning. Initially we created and displayed multimedia art that investigated the role of art in science teaching. From that work, we developed a schema for designing “engaging science experiences.” Now we are publishing free online resources that support students in viewing science and the natural world in new ways.
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