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Vascular Disorders

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Vascular Disorder Objectives

  • Contrast hypertension with hypotension, and describe the risk factors and impacts of hypertension.

  • Describe the two different types of strokes.

  • Explain what atherosclerosis is, why it is a problems, and why statin drugs are used.

We are beginning this guide with vascular disorders.  This video introduces the most common vessel diseases. 

Note: currently COVID-19 daily deaths may exceed cardiovascular-related deaths in some countries.  However, it is still anticipated that cardiovascular mortality will exceed mortality related to SARS-CoV-19 in 2022.

Many people develop hypertension as they age.  This video describes risk factors as well as ways hypertension can negatively impact organs.

Another vascular disorder that many people develop as they age is atherosclerosis, “hardening” of vessels.  Of particular concern is “arteriosclerosis,” plaques building up in arteries.  Let’s take a closer look at atherosclerosis and its impact on blood flow.

Statin drugs can reduce blood levels of lipids, resulting in reduced rate of plaque growth in vessels.  Patients and their physicians weigh the risks inherent in taking medications.

Hypertension and atherosclerosis can lead to a stroke, interruption of blood supply in the brain. 

What is the difference between a hemorrhagic stroke and an ischemic stroke?

Many of us dread getting “blood work” done.  This video introduces a model that medical practitioners use to practice IVs and blood draws.  You may find yourself being tasked to doing some of these procedures while caring for family members.

The next section introduces common cardiac disorders.
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • contrast hypertension with hypotension, and describe the risk factors and impacts of hypertension?

  • describe the two different types of strokes?

  • explain what atherosclerosis is, why it is a problems, and why statin drugs are used?

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Cardiovascular Disorders Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

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Cardiovascular Disorders

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