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Exercise Objectives

  • Provide examples of different types of aerobic exercise.

  • Describe three ways aerobic exercise can impact the heart.

  • Demonstrate how to take your own heart rate by hand.

We all know we’re supposed to exercise regularly.  Understanding the biological impact of aerobic exercise on the heart can be motivating to keep moving. 

This video demonstrates aerobic activity.  You may choose cycling or one of many other aerobic exercise possibilities.

You may decide to monitor heart rate as one of the personal body parameters you are collecting data on in this course.  This video demonstrates how to find and collect data on pulse rate.

If you are thinking of starting a new exercise program, take it slow at first and consult a medical professional for assistance if you have any concerns.
This is the end of the Cardiovascular System guide.  Information from this guide and corresponding lecture, as well as the next Cardiovascular Disorders guide, are assessed on the weekly quiz.
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • provide examples of different types of aerobic exercise?

  • describe three ways aerobic exercise can impact the heart?

  • demonstrate how to take your own heart rate by hand?

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Cardiovascular System Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.
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Exercise - YOU ARE HERE

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Cardiovascular System

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