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Skin Objectives

  • Identify basic skin structures in an illustration or on a model.

  • Describe the functions of various skin structures.

  • Explain the potential advantages and disadvantages of using models to study anatomical structures.

We are constantly in contact with the outer epidermis of our skin.  Take a few minutes to consider your skin.

This video uses a model to introduce basic skin structures.

Now, use your notes and check your knowledge of skin structures.

By now you’ve probably noticed that we have a LOT of anatomical models.  From this video, consider the advantage of using models and also a potential drawback.

The next section is a closer examination of skin cancer.

Check your knowledge.  Can you:

  • identify basic skin structures in an illustration or on a model?

  • describe the functions of various skin structures?

  • explain the potential advantages and disadvantages of using models to study anatomical structures?

Go back to the Integumentary Health Page

Go forward to the Skin Cancer Page

Integumentary Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

Back to Module 1

This week’s overview

This Guide


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