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Integumentary Structures

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Integumentary Structures Objectives

  • Describe the major structures of the integumentary system including cells and their products.

  • List the various functions of the integumentary system.

  • Explain how the integumentary system relates to thermoregulation.

Warm up:


From your notes, what is the difference between an observation and an inference?

This video introduces the integumentary system.

Now that you have background on basic integumentary structures in the skin, this video introduces their functions.

You are not turning in your lecture notes for this guide, there is a different media piece introduced on the next page.  However you will still be able to use your notes for the quiz.

From your lecture notes, name the tissues that make up the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis of the skin.

1b1 Structures
1b1 Structures

The suffix –cyte means _________.


Keratinocytes in the epidermis produce __________. 

Melanocytes in the epidermis produce __________.

Fibroblasts in the dermis build (make) ___________.

Epithelial tissues typically ____ organs.

List the three basic shapes of cells within epithelial tissues.

Connective tissue are typically the _____ of an organ.

List five different types of connective tissues.

What happens to the connective tissue of the dermis if fibroblasts do not produce sufficient collagen?  Wound healing can be quite slow.

Sebastian hiding in the rose bush having the time of his life.
Sebastian hiding in the rose bush having the time of his life.
I should have been wearing long sleeves; fragile skin tears easily and can take a long time to heal.
I should have been wearing long sleeves; fragile skin tears easily and can take a long time to heal.
The skin plays a significant role in thermoregulation.
From your lab activity, what occurs in the skin that will lead to an increase in heat retention and a decrease in heat loss?

Heating the Body

From your lab activity, what occurs in the skin that will lead to an increase in heat retention and a decrease in heat loss?
What occurs in the skin to release/dissipate heat?

Cooling the Body

What occurs in the skin to release/dissipate heat?

Amazingly, some of the things we commonly experience with our skin have only recently been explained, like skin wrinkling in water.

The next section explores integumentary health and safety.
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • describe the major structures of the integumentary system including cells and their products?

  • list the various functions of the integumentary system?

  • explain how the integumentary system relates to thermoregulation?

Go back to the Integumentary Guide Overview

Go forward to the Integumentary Health Page

Integumentary Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.
Integumentary Structures - YOU ARE HERE

Integumentary Structures - YOU ARE HERE

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