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Module/Week 1 Resources


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1r Introduction Resources

Safety First

There is more to the focus on safety in science than just avoiding accidents or disruptions in research.  Regular habits of mind needed to keep a safe work environment, like planning and consistent practice, are also valued in the research process.  Plus, you are not just setting up useful habits for yourself, you are setting up a safe environment for the people you work with.  We start with a “safety checklist” media piece this week to prepare for lab work throughout the term.


Additional videos on cell structures

Here are two different examples of educational posters that can be used to learn about cellular structures.

Watch this video; you can select the closed captioning “cc” option if you would like to see the text.

Additional Integumentary

Another look at a hair follicle with an incredibly detailed model.

A look at the integumentary system across species.

Emergency Preparedness

With COVID-19, we’ve all been considering the significance of emergency planning.  Develop a safety plan for potential natural disasters in your area, or in an area you are visiting.  For example, in Newport, Oregon it is necessary to be prepared for possible earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides.  Being prepared may include a planned meeting space for friends/family in case communications are unavailable, a week’s supplies of food for you and your pets, and adequate medications for an extended period of time.  Research and develop a plan that fits your location.


Welcome Teachers

If you are preparing to teach K-16 students or are homeschooling, welcome!

Even if you are not formally choosing a career path towards teaching, you will most likely be teaching family and friends in your lifetime.  We hope that this course helps you experience the joy in learning and teaching science!

From a single egg cell to millions of cells in a developed egg.

Science intersects society in many ways.


It can take a lot of time to set up for a video that may only last a minute or two.  Luckily it's a lot of fun!

Staging Videos

It can take a lot of time to set up for a video that may only last a minute or two. Luckily it’s a lot of fun!
Mark has made up a new membrane model for a demo.  The moving liquid can bring the concept to life.

Models for Everything

Mark has made up a new membrane model for a demo. The moving liquid can bring the concept to life.
Three-dimensional models of microanatomy make learning about the human body even more fun.

Getting the Point

Three-dimensional models of microanatomy make learning about the human body even more fun.
Some things are better online, especially having the ability to study things at your own pace.

Even Better

Some things are better online, especially having the ability to study things at your own pace.

Recommended Books

cell book a

Clever cartoons highlight science discovery.

xell book b

Technology extends our observational range.

Screen Shot 2020-03-26 at 6.11.38 AM

An in-depth & interesting look at the building blocks of life.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

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