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Muscles & Exercise

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Muscles & Exercise Objectives

  • Describe the impact of aerobic and anaerobic strength-training exercises on skeletal muscles.

  • Provide examples of activities that demonstrate grip strength and muscle fatigue.

  • List and describe exercises that target specific muscles (or muscle groups) and describe what happens to organs in sports-related injuries.

We’ll start with an overview of how exercise impacts skeletal muscle.

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Muscles of the hand and forearm allow us to have grip strength and precision movements.  They are an important part of an exercise plan.

Mark demonstrates different types of grip strength.  This would be an interesting parameter to select and monitor over the next eight weeks as part of your body data plan.

The amazing human hand

If you strength train, you have experienced muscle fatigue, cells running out of oxygen and nutrients.  Mark has a cool demo you can try to feel the impacts of muscle fatigue.

Note: use caution whenever you fatigue muscles, it is possible to get “light-headed” and lose balance.  Give yourself space and have a friend assist.

Mark demonstrates exercises that target specific muscles or muscle groups.  These include the “muscles-to-know” for this course.

Unfortunately one of the ways we injure muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments is through our athletic activities.  Mark takes us on a tour through what can go wrong.

This is the end of the Muscular Guide.  Material from the guide and corresponding lecture, as well as the previous Skeletal Guide, are assessed on the weekly quiz.
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • describe the impact of aerobic and anaerobic strength-training exercises on skeletal muscles?

  • provide examples of activities that demonstrate grip strength and muscle fatigue.

  • List and describe exercises that target specific muscles (or muscle groups) and describe what happens to organs in sports-related injuries?

Go back to the Tendons & Ligaments Page

Go back to the Muscular Guide Overview

Muscular Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

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This week’s overview

This Guide


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