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Tendons & Ligaments

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Tendons & Ligaments Objectives

  • Describe the functional difference between a tendon and a ligament and explain why both are hard to heal.

  • Explain what is specifically injured when someone has a knee ligament injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff, or plantar fasciitis.

The skeletal system and muscular system work together, supported by tendons and ligaments.  This video explores this close relationship.

knee anatomy

Knee ligaments are some of the most vulnerable in the body and the video below explains what they are and how they can be injured.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is inflammation of the carpal ligament, and the resulting impact on the median nerve.

Carpal tunnel

There is an additional video on the carpal ligament, using a cool new build-it-yourself model, on this week’s resource page.

Ligaments holding multiple bones together at joints are particularly vulnerable to injury.  It’s not only the knee that is at risk; it is also the shoulders, feet, hands, and even the jaw.

rotator cuff

Rotator cuff can refer to damage (tears, inflammation) to shoulder tendons and/or ligaments.


The plantar fascia connects heal bones to the toes can can become inflamed or tear.

The temporomandibular joint can become inflamed over time, leading to limited movement and pain.

The next section describes how exercise impacts skeletal muscle.

Check your knowledge.  Can you:

  • describe the functional difference between a tendon and a ligament and explain why both are hard to heal?

  • explain what is specifically injured when someone has a knee ligament injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff, or plantar fasciitis?

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Muscular Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

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