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Skeletal Overview

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Skeletal Overview Objective

  • Describe skeletal system functions and the system’s organs, tissues, and cells.

protection ribs

The skeletal system and its bone organs has several basic functions.  How many can you list?


This video introduces the skeleton’s basic functions and supporting structures.

This video introduces the specific bones you need to know for this course.


Need to see this poster further?  There is an additional video (in a hailstorm) on this guide’s resource page.


The human skull may be the most recognizable part of the human skeleton.  Our skull includes a cranial vault protecting the brain and elaborate facial bones.  The hinged jaw is split into two parts: the upper maxilla, and the lower mandible.

Bone architecture often has spongy bone on the ends and compact bone in the middle.  Spongy bone is more flexible and less likely to break than compact bone.  It has other important attributes discussed in the next video.

bone marrow
The next section goes into further detail on bone structure.
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • describe skeletal system functions and the system’s organs, tissues, and cells?

Go back to the Organ Systems Page

Go forward to the Bone Structure Page

Skeletal Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

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This week’s overview

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