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Structure, senses, & memory.

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This guide explores the brain, the senses, and memory.

Video Overview

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Brain Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

Brain Objectives

Brain Overview

List different brain structures and their functions, including the lobes of the cerebral cortex; provide the characteristics of three brain disorders; and describe the appearance of nervous tissues including the appearance and function of Purkinje cells of the cerebellum.


List the five “traditional” senses and provide examples of additional senses; identify eye structures and describe their basic functions; and describe perception, including the sensory receptors and role of the brain.


Describe the sensory receptors, potential types of information sent to the brain, and common misconceptions for: hearing (audition), taste (gustation), and smell (olfaction).

Memory & Emotion

Describe what forms when you make a memory, and the role of nutrition and sleep; describe the significance of goal insight, repetition, trial and error, and reduction of interferences in making memories; and explain how neurotransmitters relate to emotions and how neurotransmitters can relate to depression.

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