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Guide 3B Cardiovascular Disorders


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About this Guide

Les 2B

Amazing Bodies

At what point do we start disliking parts of our own body?  It is insidious and cumulative, dreading the appearance, smell, structure, of more and more things that make up who we physically are.  One theme in this course is to step back and appreciate our amazing bodies, and to see our various “flaws” and differences as part of what makes us unique and special.  


First Aid for Life

I’ve only had to use “significant” first aid procedures on individuals while waiting for an ambulance a dozen or so times in my life.  But I was incredibly thankful for first aid training at that point.

If you have not had any first aid training, or it has been a while and you need a refresher, now is the time.  Being prepared can save someone’s life and that is one of the biggest gifts we can offer.


A lot of good things happened while making this guide, including the arrival of this box…

test tube a

This week Mark has been the master of the models.  If we need it, or think we may need it, he’s building it.  Even the proper ratio of blood components in a test tube.  And since this is a sterile never-used test tube, they are edible too!

test tube b

Even with plenty of grass bribery to keep them quiet, you can sometimes still hear Sebastian & Mortimer purring, squeaking, and chewing on their water bottle.  Nothing is as mesmerizing as watching guinea pigs munch on grass.

Recommended Books

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An excellent mix of biology and procedures to understand a cardiovascular disease diagnosis.

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A possible way to design an exercise program is to build on techniques used in recovery physical therapy.

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One of the most significant things we can do in our lives is address cardiovascular risk factors.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

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3B: Cardiovascular Disorders

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4: Digestive System