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Guide 3A Cardiovascular System


Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
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Review Guide 3A Contents

Cardiovascular System Objectives


Describe the structure of the heart, including the chambers, coronary vessels, and cardiac cells; explain what occurs in heart diastole (relaxation) and systole (contraction), including the part we experience as the “heart beat;” and chart the flow of blood through the heart, including the major vessels feeding into and out of the heart and the changing amounts of oxygen (high or low).


List the various blood vessels, including arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins; describe the structures and functions of arteries, veins, and capillaries; and explain the blood pressure test, including how it relates to artery pressures and what the systolic and diastolic numbers indicate.


Describe the composition of blood, including the relative amounts and roles of red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets; identify RBCs, platelets, and the five different types of WBCs under the microscope; and distinguish between A, B, AB and O blood types as well as Rh positive and negative blood, and explain why individuals can only accept certain donor blood?


Provide examples of different types of aerobic exercise; describe three ways aerobic exercise can impact the heart; and demonstrate how to take your own heart rate by hand.

Cardiovascular System Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Cardiovascular System Media

Introduced in Heart section of this guide:

Heart Model

In this media piece you are building a model of the heart that teaches basic heart anatomy and shows how blood circulates through the heart.

Your model should include: oxygenated blood, deoxygenated blood, various vessels (vena cava, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, aorta), lungs, and heart (all four chambers, valves).

You model could be three-dimensional, a digital animation, a drawing, puzzle pieces, a poster, a clay model, or other creative representation.

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You are turning in:

Evidence of the model you have constructed, including information on how it functions.  This could include a video showing the model, a series of photos, a photo and detailed description, or other representation. If the assignment file is very large, like a long video, you may want to host it on a website to reduce upload time.  Your model should demonstrate basic heart anatomy and show how blood circulates through the heart.

You can involve family members or housemates in constructing and/or demonstrating the model, if desired.  Be creative and have fun creating your model.  This could be an excellent piece to add to your final portfolio.

Media Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Upload your heart model to Canvas.  If the file is really large, it may help to host it on a webpage and submit the web link to reduce upload time.

Human Biology Portfolio

Portfolio Directions

Your heart model may be an excellent piece to add to your final portfolio.  It could represent knowledge of how a model functions or basic understanding of the relationship between structure and function.  Consider adding this piece to your portfolio so you can check off one piece of evidence of course outcome mastery.

Learn more about the Cardiovascular System

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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This Guide

3A: Cardiovascular System

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3B: Cardiovascular Disorders