
Inflammation Objectives
Outline each step of inflammation, including why it is an important process and the role of white blood cells.
List different inflammatory diseases that have appeared throughout this course.
Match different forms of visualization with the information that is being conveyed.
Innate inflammation and the two acquired forms of immunity (cell-mediated and antibody-mediated) involve white blood cells. This video recalls the five basic types of wbcs.
The role of white blood cells in the inflammation is discussed in the next two videos.
For the quiz question from this page, you will be asked to explain each step of inflammation from wounded cells to clean-up by the white blood cells. You can submit a written story response, but many people prefer to make a labeled sketch. You can work on either of these while watching the videos.
This poster summarizes the non-specific defenses of barriers and inflammation. It also adds antimicrobial proteins that are often released during inflammation responses.

Which suffix is added to a word to indicate an inflammatory disease? -____
List as many inflammatory diseases as you can remember from the course so far. There have been quite a few!
Inflammation is an important process, but as we have seen throughout this course, many diseases are related to excessive and chronic inflammation.
Communicating scientific knowledge clearly and accurately relies on effective use of visuals. In this guide’s media assignment, you will be creating a form of visualization that conveys information from the body data you have been collecting.

Data visualization is the use of graphs, plots, infographics, and other figures to visually represent data.
Data visualization starts with a choice: selecting the correct format to represent the data accurately.

Advance through this slider to review eight common forms of data visualization, and what they represent.
Hover over the images to pause the scroll
Once you have selected a type of figure that accurately represents the data, it is time to add information to make sure the figure is clear and easy to read.

Labels provide critical information on what is included in a figure.
This typically includes a title, labeled axes, and a key of any lines, bars, dots, or other data represented in the chart in which the meaning is not obvious.
Line, colors, textures, and patterns can distinguish between different forms of data.
It is important to minimize information that may distract from the data or lead to misconceptions.

Now, the data visualization needs to be engaging: capturing and holding the viewer’s attention so they will read and think about the figure.
This video presents the idea of making data visualizations engaging to a reader.

People will not look for information within data, or convert that information into knowledge and usable wisdom, unless the data is presented in an accurate, clear, and compelling manner.
Start Your 9A Media Assignment here
For this media assignment, you are producing a data visualization about the body data you have been collecting over the past several weeks. You can choose one of your forms of data, or multiple forms. For example, if you monitored sleep patterns, meals, and activity, you could decide to make a data visualization comparing meals to levels of activity, or just patterns of sleep throughout the weeks. Select the data you find the most interesting to work into a data visualization.

The data visualization you are turning in:
is in a figure format that you feel accurately represents the data. This could be a line chart, bar chart, scatterplot, pie chart, histogram, cartogram (map), or something less conventional.
clearly presents the data with a title, labels, and/or key as needed.
has an engaging design that captures attention. This could be color, patterns, texture, 3D modeling, a witty shape, or whatever you create.
Have some fun with this; you can be creative and still convey accurate information.

You may already have begun forming your Data Visualization if you have been graphing, sketching, or somehow arranging your data. Some researchers use journals to think about and arrange data as they are collected.
You can see how the “junk journals” in this photo inspire data collection and visualization in this guide’s resource section.
The next section introduces cell-mediated immunity, an acquired and specific defense against pathogens.

Check your knowledge. Can you:
outline each step of inflammation, including why it is an important process and the role of white blood cells?
list different inflammatory diseases that have appeared throughout this course?
match different forms of visualization with the information that is being conveyed?