Guide 9A Defense Systems
Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
Review Guide 9A Contents
Defense Systems Objectives
Overview & Barriers
Cell-Mediated Immunity
Antibody-Mediated Immunity
Defense Systems Quiz
Defense Systems Media
Introduced in Inflammation section of this guide:
For this media assignment, you are producing a data visualization about the body data you have been collecting over the past several weeks. You can choose one of your forms of data, or multiple forms. For example, if you monitored sleep patterns, meals, and activity, you could decide to make a data visualization comparing meals to levels of activity, or just patterns of sleep throughout the weeks. Select the data you find the most interesting to work into a data visualization.

The data visualization you are turning in:
is in a figure format that you feel accurately represents the data. This could be a line chart, bar chart, scatterplot, pie chart, histogram, cartogram (map), or something less conventional.
clearly presents the data with a title, labels, and/or key as needed.
has an engaging design that captures attention. This could be color, patterns, texture, 3D modeling, a witty shape, or whatever you create.
Have some fun with this; you can be creative and still convey accurate information.
Human Biology Portfolio
Portfolio Directions
Your body data visualization may be an excellent piece to add to your final portfolio. Consider adding this piece to your portfolio so you can check off another example of course outcome mastery.