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Autoimmune Objectives

  • Define what an autoimmune disease is, including what is happening within the body.

  • Provide examples of autoimmune diseases.

  • Describe the problems associated with taking anti-inflammatory medications.

We have met three examples of autoimmune diseases already in this course.  See if you can recall what they are.

This video provides an introduction to autoimmune diseases.

Managing autoimmune diseases can be challenging, and the diseases themselves are often a mystery to people.

If you, a friend, or family member is managing a disorder, that could be an interesting science story for this guide’s media piece.
The next section is a look at allergies, the most common hypersensitivity disorder.
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • define what an autoimmune disease is, including what is happening within the body?

  • provide examples of autoimmune diseases?

  • describe the problems associated with taking anti-inflammatory medications?

Go back to the Immune Disorders Page

Go forward to the Allergies Page

Immunity Guide Contents

Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.

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9B: Immune Disorders

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