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Guide 9B Immunity


Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
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Review Guide 9B Contents

Immunity Objectives

Immunity Overview

List various blood cells involved in immunity and their roles, including basophils and eosinophils; describe the lymphatic system, including what lymph is and how it travels through the body; and list the basic functions of the spleen.

Immune Disorders

Provide examples of immune cancers, including lymphoma and leukemia; describe the immunodeficiency disorders SCID and AIDS; and list the characteristics of a story that provides an engaging science experience.


Define what an autoimmune disease is, including what is happening within the body; provide examples of autoimmune diseases; describe the problems associated with taking anti-inflammatory medications.


Outline an allergic response, including allergens, antibodies, mast cells, histamine, and blood vessels; describe what occurs during primary exposure and re-exposure to an allergen; and explain why allergies can be serious and list different allergy treatments.

Immunity Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Immunity Media

Introduced in Immune Disorders section of this guide:

For this guide’s media piece, you are creating a science story.  It can be about an aspect of your body data collection and/or specifically address an objective you need to add to the final portfolio.

9b5 Products

Process of creating a science story:

  • Select a science concept, skill, or connection that you would like to develop into a story.  You may want to select an aspect of your body data collection that you did not use in the data visualization media piece, or choose one of the nine course outcomes that you need to fill for the final portfolio.  For example, if you need a Biology Connection, you may want to tell a story about a museum or zoo you have visited.

  • Determine how you will make your story an engaging (accessible, unique, and/or enlightening) experience (discovery, interaction, and/or synthesis) for the story’s audience.

  • Select a story form that best fits the engaging science experience you are creating.  It could be an exploration, description, explanation, directions, narrative, or persuasive piece.  It could also be a combination of these forms.

  • Create your story.  It could be all written, a labeled photo essay, a comic strip, mixed media, or whichever form you feel works best for your goals.

You are turning in

(A) your story.

(B) a brief summary line that indicates (1) the part that is engaging (accessible, unique, and/or enlightening), (2) the science included (concept, skill, and/or connection), (3) the experience (discovery, interaction, and/or synthesis), and (4) the story form used (exploration, description, explanation, directions, narrative, and/or persuasive).

Media Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Once you have completed your science story, upload it to Canvas.   Your science story can be submitted as a PDF, a word document, a photo, or even a video.  Multiple assignment formats are supported.

Human Biology Portfolio

Portfolio Directions

The science story could be an excellent to your portfolio.  Examine the nine course outcomes and determine the best fit.

Learn more about Immunity

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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This Guide

9B: Immunity

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10: Epidemics