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Guide 4B

Digestive Disorders

Nutrition & G.I.T. Diseases

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This guide explores the relationship between digestion and nutrients, as well as various diseases.

Video Overview

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Digestive Disorders Guide Contents

Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.

Digestive Disorders Objectives


Describe common nutritional misconceptions, including why they are incorrect; explain how it is possible that there are dietary components that may be important to optimize health, but have no clearly defined recommended daily allowances; and list the primary food groups, and their proportions, that are recommended for a general diet that provides nutrients and adequate calories.

Nutritional Issues

Provide examples of nutrient deficiencies and explain how a person can be “hypernourished” and “malnourished” at the same time; describe lactose intolerance, including what it is, why many people have it, the effects, and why some people can tolerate dairy into adulthood; and list some of the concerns related to eating foods fried in oil.

Upper G.I.T. Issues

Describe tooth decay, including factors that impact cavity formation; explain what GERD is, including cause and potential impact on the esophagus; and describe gastritis, including causes and potential impact on the stomach.

Lower G.I.T. Disorders

Describe Coeliac disease and the resulting impact on the small intestines; list and describe potential large intestine disorders, including possible use of x-rays and colonoscopy to detect these disorders, and explain what hemorrhoids are, including potential symptoms.

Digestive Disorders Product Page

Look ahead to the products (quiz & media piece) you will be making after completing this guide’s four activity pages.

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4A: Digestive System

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