Number 4 orange square

Lower G.I.T. Disorders

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Lower G.I.T. Disorder Objectives

  • Describe Coeliac disease and the resulting impact on the small intestines.

  • List and describe potential large intestine disorders, including possible use of x-rays and colonoscopy to detect these disorders.

  • Explain what hemorrhoids are, including potential symptoms.

Which organs are included in the lower G.I.T.? 

This video provides an overview of their disorders.

The intestines are large organs and they have a variety of different disorders.

 The “beginning” of the lower G.I.T. is the small intestine.  One of the diseases that impacts this organ is Coeliac Disease.


Check your understanding:

Why does an individual with coeliac disease become malnourished?

Which three organs “accessorize” the small intestine by contributing digestive chemicals?

We’re saving the liver and pancreas for upcoming guides.  This is a closer look at gallstones in the gallbladder.


Many diseases of the intestines are difficult to detect with medical imagery.  An exception is diverticulosis, pouches the form in the intestines due to weakened smooth muscle.

polyp removal

Colonoscopy can video abnormal inflammation and growth inside of the rectum and large intestine.  In some cases biopsies are taken with little “snares” for further analysis.


Many people get these bleeding and potentially painful bulging veins.

Put it all together.

This video is an opportunity to diagnose different lower G.I.T. disorders.

This is the end of Guide 4B, the next step is to take the quiz on Canvas and upload your digestive/nutrition game.
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • describe Coeliac disease and the resulting impact on the small intestines?

  • list and describe potential large intestine disorders, including possible use of x-rays and colonoscopy to detect these disorders?

  • explain what hemorrhoids are, including potential symptoms?

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Digestive Disorders Guide Contents

Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.

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4B:Digestive Disorders

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4B: Quiz & Media

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