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Guide 4B Digestive Disorders


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About this Guide

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What we eat

With every bite we consume elements that spent time in the bodies of other organisms, traveled through rivers, blew through the air, and rested in the soil. This guide is an opportunity to expand our understandings and relationship with the foods we eat.  If we are fortunate enough to have access to a diverse diet, we have many food items to consider and explore.


Additional Digestive Game Ideas

Many of our materials come from medical and nursing school supply companies.  These cards outline the basic functions of the different digestive organs.

You can explore social and cultural aspects of food in your media piece, if you like.

For people home-schooling with family members and making items, felt remains a terrific staple for just about any activity.


We need more vegetables in our life, so this week we are starting our vegetable garden.  Its a bit late because the soil has been too wet to work, but we have all of the goodies ready.

This video goes though the rationale behind our seed choices, related to the foods we are trying to eat. 

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The “seed” potatoes are already sprouting so they are heading into a temporary bed until Mark gets the chance to till.  We are hoping this garden will be a “lab” for our summer online EarthBio BI 101 course.

les potatoes a

Complex Meals

Meals are more than just the food we consume, they are ritualistic, social, and culturally embedded.  The next time you sit down for a meal, consider how much of your brain is thinking about the food you are consuming.  Is it focused on the taste, the nutrients, the potential impact, or the overall experience?  Understanding how dining practices impact our eating can make it easier to develop and maintain a balanced diet.

Nutrition has had a significant impact on human survival.  The Museum of Cultural and Natural History at the University of Oregon examines the link between societies and science.

Recommended Books

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Excellent illustrations and info for the entire family.

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Bust nutritional misconceptions, but be wary and select a book that is based on science research.

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Coffee table quality and an interesting cultural perspective on food.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

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4B: Digestive Disorders

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