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Upper G.I.T. Disorders

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Upper G.I.T. Disorder Objectives

  • Describe tooth decay, including factors that impact cavity formation.

  • Explain what GERD is, including cause and potential impact on the esophagus.

  • Describe gastritis, including causes and potential impact on the stomach.

Digestion begins with the mouth, and you may have already experienced a dental disorder.  This video discussed cavities (also called caries) and other tooth issues.

Sugar in foods and beverages can increase bacterial growth in the mouth, including the bacteria that damage teeth.

After food passes out the mouth through the throat, it enters the _____.   That is where we head next.

GERD is one of a variety of diseases that can impact the esophagus.

The stomach also has a variety of potential disorders, including “stomach inflammation,” also called ______.

upper endoscope

Endoscopic techniques can visualize and even biopsy abnormal areas of the eosphaguus and stomach.

The next section introduces lower G.I.T. disorders.
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • describe tooth decay, including factors that impact cavity formation?

  • explain what GERD is, including cause and potential impact on the esophagus?

  • describe gastritis, including causes and potential impact on the stomach?

Go back to the Nutritional Issues Page

Go forward to the Lower G.I.T. Disorders Page

Digestive Disorders Guide Contents

Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.

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