Guide 4A Digestive System
Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
Review Guide 4A Contents
Digestive System Quiz
Digestive System Media
Introduced in Digestive Overview section of this guide:
In this media piece you are going back to the three body data parameters you have chosen to study over this course and selecting one that can be qualitatively studied, and one that can be quantitatively studied.
You can study the same body parameter both qualitatively and quantitatively. For example, you could monitor sleep patterns to develop a list of variables that are impacting your sleep (qualitative) and test one of those variables by altering it and measuring whether or not you get more sleep (quantitative).
Qualitative examples: identifying the things that make your heart rate increase (or decrease), identifying factors that make it easier to concentrate while studying, or listing things that cause undesired stress (stress can be positive too, more on that in Module/week 7).
Quantitative examples: keeping track of how many times you touch your face, counting how many steps you take on different surfaces, or measuring how much you can safely lift after working out over time.
You are turning in:
- An example of a qualitative approach you can take to studying one of your body data parameters, including how you will generate variables.
- An example of a quantitative approach you can take to studying one of your body data parameters, including how you will test one of your variables.
You do not need to carry out both of these forms of data collection for the final analysis, this assignment is to think about different ways data can be collected.
As always, use caution when trying out a new behavior or workout routine.
Human Biology Portfolio
Portfolio Directions
Keep collecting your body data. Consider adding your qualitative/quantitative media piece to your portfolio so you can check off one piece of evidence of course outcome mastery.