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Guide 8A Non-Infectious Diseases


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About this Guide

Document Your Life

Mark and I have had the privilege of teaching over 45,000 university students during the past 26 years.  One thing that never ceases to amaze me is how even though we share a common place and time, every one is so incredibly unique.  Sometimes it takes years to find out what your unique perspective is, but it can be easier to identify if you regularly collect the experiences you encounter along the way.  After a while the same basic themes emerge, and it is hard to believe other people don’t see that aspect of the world as clearly as your do.  If you don’t already journal, this is a good time to start.  You will thank yourself 25 years from now.


Found objects that other people may see as “junk” can tell stories of experiences and moments in time that would otherwise be lost.  Collect scraps like junk mail, seed packets, damaged book pages, fabric remnants, and other discards.  Paste, stitch, sketch, and arrange them into something new.  Not only is this an inexpensive and low-impact hobby, it can reveal new ideas and talents.


khan aca

We adore tech, but sometimes you just have to break out the paper and color pencils.  This was one of those weeks.

It managed to rain much of the week, sometimes you’ll see drops on the posters and models in the videos.  But the reward is a field of daisies right next to one of the benches.

daisy spot
This looks like the ingredients of a really good soup, but it is seed to grow deer forage for our tiny herd (of four).

Deer Food

This looks like the ingredients of a really good soup, but it is seed to grow deer forage for our tiny herd (of four).
With all of the rain we are hoping to have a crop of nutrient-rich plants when the new fawns arrive.

Peas, Barley, & more

With all of the rain we are hoping to have a crop of nutrient-rich plants when the new fawns arrive.

Recommended Books

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An instant classic, how one woman’s cells changed everything.

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If you are lamenting the human condition; this book shows what we are capable of.

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If you like to ponder the big questions; this is about as big as it gets.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

Non-Infectious Diseases Product Page

Complete this guide’s products before advancing on to the next guide

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This Guide

8A: Non-Infectious Diseases

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8B: Parasites & Pathogens