Guide 8B
Parasites & Pathogens
Worms, bacteria, and more
In this guide we will meet the agents that cause infectious diseases.
Video Overview
Watch this guide overview video; you can select the closed captioning “cc” option if you would like to see the text.
Parasites & Pathogens Guide Contents
Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.
Parasites & Pathogens Objectives
Overview & Worms
List the various groups of macroparasites and microparasites (pathogens) that can cause disease in humans; describe different types of intestinal worms, including how they enter the human body and their impact on human hosts; and examine the potential coevolution occurring between humans and intestinal worms.
Provide examples of vector species, and the diseases they transmit to humans; describe arthropods that can cause or transmit diseases in humans, including the life cycle of mosquitoes; and explain what toxoplasmosis is, including the vector, pathogen, and potential impact on humans.
Fungi & Protists
Provide examples of two forms of fungi that can cause disease in humans; describe protist-caused diseases Giardia and Malaria; and distinguish between primary and secondary science information sources, including the parts of a scientific paper and how to select a quality secondary source.
Bacteria & Viruses
Describe the three basic forms of bacteria, how some bacteria can negatively impact the human body, and information on Vibrio cholera; explain the basic structure of a virus, why it needs an organism’s cells, and information on Influenza; and list the basic characteristics of SARS-CoV-2, including the early research on the virus and ways to reduce the chance of infection.