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Bacteria & Viruses

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Bacteria & Viruses Objectives

  • Describe the three basic forms of bacteria, how some bacteria can negatively impact the human body, and information on Vibrio cholera.

  • Explain the basic structure of a virus, why it needs an organism’s cells, and information on Influenza.

  • List the basic characteristics of SARS-CoV-2, including the early research on the virus and ways to reduce the chance of infection.

We are starting with an overview of bacteria and viruses.  This includes two example diseases that show how these pathogens have a significant impact on our species.

Bacteria and viruses impact the human body in different ways.  Take note of the three negative impacts bacteria can have, and how viruses impact our cells.

Bacteria have three basic forms that are introduced in this video.

We know bacteria are small, this video of the three basic bacterial forms shows that they are much smaller than cells.

Bacterial species may be small, but they still have interesting structures related to their functions.

Viruses may be small but every structure serves an important function.

This video provides a general introduction to the SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19.  We will start addressing the complexity of this virus and what has been learned over the past few years in next week’s module. 

Reviewing your lecture notes, provide an example of each of these different-sized disease-causing agents: worm, arthropod, fungus, protist, bacterium, and virus.
8b4 Bacteria & Viruses
This is the end of Guide 8B, the next step is to take the quiz on Canvas and upload your secondary source analysis.
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • describe the three basic forms of bacteria, how some bacteria can negatively impact the human body, and information on Vibrio cholera?

  • explain the basic structure of a virus, why it needs an organism’s cells, and information on Influenza?

  • list the basic characteristics of SARS-CoV-2, including the early research on the virus and ways to reduce the chance of infection?

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Parasites & Pathogens Guide Contents

Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.

Back to Module 8

This week’s overview

This Guide

8B: Parasites & Pathogens

Products Information

8B: Quiz & Media

Direct Link to Canvas

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