Guide 8B Parasites & Pathogens
Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
Review Guide 8B Contents
Parasites & Pathogens Objectives
Overview & Worms
Fungi & Protists
Bacteria & Viruses
Parasites & Pathogens Quiz
Parasites & Pathogens Media
Introduced in Fungi & Protists section of this guide:
Select a secondary news source about an infectious disease that has at least four of the five characteristics of a quality source. A secondary source can be a popular science journal, a science news website, or newspaper article. You will be reviewing this source and submitting your analysis.
If you are doing a final portfolio focused on COVID-19, you may wish to select an article related to that topic. Otherwise, any disease caused by a parasite or pathogen works for this assignment.

You are turning in:
A. The title of the source, including the full website address (url) and/or title, author, publication, and date, so it can be accessed.
B. the infectious disease topic the article is about, including the name of the disease and the parasite or pathogen that causes the disease.
C. your analysis of the quality of the article. Indicate why you think the source meets (or does not meet) each of the five criteria. If you already have your own criteria for critiquing science sources of information, you are welcome to add them to this list in your analysis.
To review, the criteria are:
- Complex concepts are simplified while maintaining usable information.
- Source is reliable with no apparent agenda that would undermine credibility.
- Writing and illustration styles are interesting and engaging.
- Source is current and includes recent science and technology breakthroughs.
- Editorial opinions, if included, are identified and distinguished from research-based data.
Human Biology Portfolio
Portfolio Directions
Your media piece reviewing a secondary source may be an excellent piece to add to your final portfolio. Several of this week’s quiz answers will also be potentially good matches to outcomes. Consider adding these pieces to your portfolio so you can check off additional evidence of course outcome mastery.