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Guide 5A Respiratory System


Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
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Review Guide 5A Contents

Respiratory System Objectives

Cellular Respiration

List the products of photosynthesis that are critical for human survival; describe cellular respiration, including where it occurs in cells; and contrast cellular respiration with systemic respiration.

Respiratory Organs

Describe the organs gases pass through when you breath in and out, including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, and lungs, outline the basic structures of the lungs, including the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli, and explain how the structure of an alveolus relates to its function.

Respiratory Disorders

Describe what pneumonia is, where is occurs, and how it can be detected; provide information on COPDs, including chronic bronchitis, asthma, and emphysema; and list and describe diseases that may result from smoking cigarettes.

Breathing & Exercise

Describe how muscles move during inhalation and exhalation; calculate lung capacity based on breathing data; and explain how aerobic exercise can impact breathing capacity.

Respiratory System Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Respiratory System Media

Introduced in Cellular Respiration section of this guide:

In this media piece you are designing an experiment related to your body and/or activities.  You do not need to conduct this experiment, this is establishing that you can design an experiment.  If you do choose to conduct this experiment, it can be part of your body data collection that you will be analyzing later in the course.

Note: Use sense and care when considering self-experimentation.  If testing variables, choose those that you hypothesize (predict) will improve health and avoid those that may decrease health.  If unsure, seek professional assistance as needed.


You are turning in:

Your experimental design which includes: (1) the research question, (2) variable(s) being tested, (3) hypothesis, and (4) experimental procedure.  The experimental procedure includes (4a) the control, (4b) treatment(s), (4c) any materials needed, (4d) what you will be doing, (4e) the type of data that will be collecting, and (4f) any safety considerations.

Media Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Upload your heart model to Canvas.  If the file is really large, it may help to host it on a webpage and submit the web link to reduce upload time.

Human Biology Portfolio

Portfolio Directions

Your quiz responses and experimental design media piece may be good additions to your final portfolio.

Learn more about the Respiratory System

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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This Guide

5A: Respiratory System

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5B: Urinary System