Guide 7A
Endocrine System
Organs, hormones, & impacts
In this guide you will tour through the complex world of the endocrine system.
Video Overview
Watch this guide overview video; you can select the closed captioning “cc” option if you would like to see the text.
Endocrine System Guide Contents
Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.
Endocrine System Objectives
Endocrine Organs
Explain what it means that an organ is “endocrine,” and provide examples of endocrine organs; locate various endocrine organs in the body; and describe how the nervous system and endocrine system connect, why this is important, and the hormones produced by the pituitary.
Describe what hormones are, including how they travel through the body and impact target cells; list the hormones produced by various endocrine organs; and explain how thyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone regulate blood calcium levels.
Explain what stress is, including examples of short-term and long-term stress events; describe the impacts of adrenaline (epinephrine) and cortisol on the body; and list factors that can reduce the potential impacts of a stress response.
Define metabolism, including catabolism and anabolism; explain how hormones impact appetite; and describe the potential impacts of anabolic steroids.