Learning Outcomes

Sometimes it is nice to get a reward for a job well done.

Successfully complete the ten modules of Human Biology and earn the nine badges that represent facets of the three course outcomes: understanding concepts, practicing skills, and drawing connections between disciplines.  Each of the three outcomes  has a hierarchy of study from general science, to the life sciences (biology), to a specific group of life (humans).

Science Concepts

Characteristics & themes of science knowledge

perception, evidence, prediction, cause & effect, scale, quantity, continuity, change, matter, energy, patterns, systems & models, specimens, collections, tentative & durable, hypotheses, facts, theories, laws, science history, science fields

Discovering the natural world

Science Skills

Discovering the natural world

discovery (exploration, description, & explanation), reasoning, analysis, decision making, problem solving, reflecting, recording, note-taking, long-term studies & narration, science study skills, expertise & portfolios

Society and the scientific enterprise

Science Connections

Society and the scientific enterprise

science news, science-related media, global issues. science & culture, business/economy, science & the arts, science ethics, science products, events, institutions. science values, scientists, science-related jobs, science & technology

Describing and explaining life

Biology Concepts

Describing and explaining life

complexity & organization, cells, structure & function, classification, evolutionary change, unity & diversity, inheritance, reproduction, development, life stages, regulation & feedback, physiology & mechanism, homeostasis, interdependence, interactions

Researching organisms

Biology Skills

Researching organisms & environments

observations, inferences, creativity & imagination, research design, library research, qualitative & quantitative, data collection, sampling, data management, data analysis, data visualization, synthesis & conclusions

Nature in everyday life

Biology Connections

Nature in everyday life

lifelong learning plans, techniques, trips & destinations, informal education (museums, libraries, galleries), everyday science, kitchen science, garden science, diet, exercise, science & local communities, citizen science

Current understandings about our species

Human Concepts

Current understandings about our species

movement, gas exchange, integration & control, sensation, cognition & learning, communication, population dynamics, environmental interactions, health, non-infectious diseases, infectious diseases, diagnosis, treatment

Researching humans

Human Skills

Researching humans

safety (lab & field), study kits, equipment, ethical considerations, anthropology, archaeology, medical research, reading tests & imagery, microscope analysis, self-analysis

Making media about humans

Human Connections

Making media about humans

communicating about humans, matching message to media, writing & journaling, drawing & painting, photos & videos, mixed media, science stories, family albums, generational learning

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