Human Biology Portfolio

Why a portfolio?

The point of this Human Biology course is to organize existing and new knowledge into a framework that can be used to learn more about the natural world into the future.  Assembling a portfolio provides evidence of what you know and a way to access that knowledge into the future.

Week 1

Read through the portfolio requirements on Canvas

Weeks 2-10

Add quiz responses and media products to your portfolio

Building a portfolio week by week

Finals Week

Reflect on the products and submit the portfolio for grading


Use the portfolio for future learning

Portfolios can take many forms

  • A journal 
  • Powerpoint slide show
  • A mini museum
  • Explainer videos

Demonstrate Mastery of Course Outcomes

Portfolios represent mastery of science knowledge, skill, and connection learning outcomes.  Portfolios incorporate quiz responses and media products that each of the nine course outcomes.

Human Biology Home

Course Overview

Module Index

Links to 10 Weeks

Direct Link to Canvas

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